

Employee Health Management

Employee Health Management

Employee health management‎

ADATA performs general and special hazard health check on an annual basis, and manages individual cases through tracking and grading the assessment results. The Company also organizes a variety of health promotional activities to promote health management.‎

Evaluating and managing human hazards‎

To prevent musculoskeletal diseases induced by repetitive motions, the Company conducts questionnaire surveys to assess the level of influence of body soreness on work performance during employees' annual health checks, to identify high-risk groups and adopt necessary measures. Professional physicians will also accompany the environmental safety unit to carry out spot visits and devise improvement plans with unit supervisors to protect personnel health.‎

Maternal health and management‎

To provide a friendly work environment for pregnant women, the Company devises yearly maternal health protection plans. Through physician's professional evaluations, individual differences will be considered for adopting graded management and site improvement measures to protect maternal health. Nursery rooms will also be provided at the workplace so that new mothers can manage both work and family care responsibilities.