

Retirement System and Employee Stock Ownership Trust Plan

Retirement System and Employee Stock Ownership Trust Plan

(1) Retirement system‎
ADATA provides a retirement system that is compliance with laws and regulations. The old pension scheme is implemented for employees who have elected it in accordance with the Labor Standards Act; the new pension scheme is implemented for employees who have chosen it in accordance with the Labor Pension Act. The Company also has the Retirement Management Regulations in place, which apply to all full-time employees.‎

(2) An employee stock ownership trust plan ‎
To improve employee benefits, ADATA was the first in the industry to launch an employee stock ownership trust plan in 2022. All full-time employees who have been employed for one full year are eligible to apply to join the plan, to expand the system for employees to share business profits along with the existing reward mechanism.‎
ADATA rewards the participants by buying the Company’s shares for them in the same amount of their contribution to the plan per month. This is equivalent to an annual salary adjustment. In addition, the Company increases salary in a fixed amount per month to motivate employees to prepare their pension funds early, improve the retention rate of outstanding talents, and strengthen employees’ trust in the Company and happiness, thereby working together to facilitate the growth of the organization and create a win-win enterprise where employees work happily.