


Corporate Governance

Business operations of major departments
Business operations of major departments
Implementation of corporate governance

The Company has appointed financial officer Chen, Yen-Shu to concurrently serve as the corporate governance officer, include at least the following items:

1.Handling of matters relating to board meetings and shareholders meetings in accordance with law.

2.Preparation of minutes of board meetings and shareholders meetings.

3.Provision of assistance in onboarding and continuing education of the directors.

4.Provision of information required for the performance of duties by the directors.

5.Provision of assistance to the directors in complying with laws and regulations.

6.Reporting to the board of directors the results of their review of whether the qualifications of the       independent directors comply with relevant laws, regulations, rules, and bylaws at the time of their nomination, election, and during their term of office.

7.Handling of matters relating to changes in directors.

8.Other matters specified by the articles of incorporation or by contract.

Continuing Education of Corporate Governance Officer

The corporate governance officer Chen, Yen-Shu was appointed in April 2021 and completed the 12 hours of training in 2024, in accordance with “Taipei Exchange Directions for Compliance Requirements for the Appointment and Exercise of Powers of the Boards of Directors of TPEx Listed Companies.”